Maths Department


Mathematics everywhere. Also in the Olympic Games?

We all have heard that MATHS is involved everywhere. Even in the food we eat. In everything we see. So here today, we will show you how it was also involved in the Olympic Games which were held in our high school.

The students, with the help of their respective MATHS teachers, searched for information on the disciplines of the different sports by looking for perimeters and areas acquired in almost every sport performed in the Olympics. They took the next Olympics Games as a reference.

They also did some Maths problems in their class by calculating the distance of the jumps, etc... All of them were super excited and always wanted more stuff to do (JUST JOKING HEHEHE....they are also students so it is normal to be a little lazy at the time of doing Maths, but despite the laziness, they had fun and could study a lot of new things).

* Would you like to do some Maths problems based on the Olympics too? Are you a super genius? If yes, comment to us below... 


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