Quiz: Are you a stylish person or not?

The aim of this Quiz is to find out how stylish is you opinion and execution when wearing clothing, in each question, answer "a" or "b".

Question 1. When you go shopping, do you stop and watch clothing in the showcase, or do you go directly to what you want?

a) I stop and watch them.

b) I prefer to go to my favourite clothing.

Question 2. Do you usually buy clothes that in the end, you don't wear due to them not being good-looking?

a) Yes, most of the time.

b) No, I buy what I like.

Question 3. Do you wear clothes from other years?

a) No, I don't.

b) Yes, I do.

Question 4. Concerning your style, do you have your own, or do you try to follow a role model seen in magazines and other media?

a) I try to set mine by watching other people.

b) I try to have my own based on what I found good-looking.

Question 5. When choosing clothing, do you wear the same clothing as other people or do you try to be different?

a) I'm mostly like anyone else.

b) I try to differ from other people.


If your answers were mostly "a", then you are a stylish person, that means that you like to be up-to-date concerning the latest clothing trending, else, if your answers were mostly "b", you try to follow your own path when wearing clothing, and you don't let other's opinion affect you!


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